So I’m fortunate to have hit 50 1st AD credits within what I perceive to be a short period of time and I am very thankful to all that have helped me in this amazing part of my life.

As a believer in manifest destiny I tell myself when I can that I am the best young 1st AD in the game and I genuinely believe that. On every single shoot I utilise my experience within commercials to promote a happy working atmosphere and encourage the crew around me to work at their optimum level. The results are identifiable and the projects speak for themselves.
My latest shoot was a ‘Top of the Pops for Tik Tokers’ pilot for Jordan Chandler and Pulse Films in which we delivered 2 10 minute episodes with live performances. We finished 20 minutes earlier than scheduled with happy faces all around. I’m not quite used to the Hubris developing from repeated praise following a successful job but I can’t help but deliver the content required within the allocated budget.

My ethos is that collaboration allows for the success of the project. I trust the team of freelance professionals around me to be able to do exactly what we need of them and by doing this we all work together to deliver what is required for the film. We’re all here to have a good time and positivity is the best influence tactic to have people work with you. I also have the sexiest schedule and will run it to absolute perfection so I have that going for me as well.
Last week I had two commercial projects for the NCPCC released, shot with Unit9 by the dynamic duo Luke & Joseph. The first was a call to action film working with brilliant child actors to encourage general public to volunteer their time into keeping children safe. The second was a realistic accounting of a situation you may find yourself in when you are aware of child abuse, promoting the methods you can take to report it through the correct channels. The shoots went very well, successfully capturing exactly what was anticipated In each storyboard. There isn’t many jobs I am more proud of than this one.

I also shot two separate videos for Caviar within a week last month. The first was for Wu-Lu with the legendary Denisha Anderson. I genuinely think she is a genius and I’m excited to see what her creativity can lead to. We shot the video in a quarry in Suffolk with a burial scene and a drifting action vehicle. Check it out now. The second was for Maxim Kelly who directed one of my all time favourite projects (Tiña - The Closest Shave). The shoot started much later than we would have liked due to certain issues but we managed to complete it with good spirits. I am so excited to see the final product because I wholeheartedly believe in what we accomplished.

I am a strong leader, I deliver what the director wants, and I work within budget. I am the best young 1st AD in London and if you’d like to hire me please contact Callbox Diary Service. I appreciate you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to all that’s to come.
Much love,
Joe Mulvihill.
